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Is there a suitable treatment for every diagnosis?

As a rule, we find the right treatment for every diagnosis.


As soon as your test results are available, we will discuss fertility treatment options with you. We explain all of the options available, incorporating the chances and risks. Together with you and your partner, we will determine a detailed course of action that will lead to the pregnancy you want, as comfortably and in as much detail as possible.



Natural or artificial insemination?


On a basic level, there are two treatment options:

  1. The fertilisation of the egg takes place in the woman’s body with assistance (insemination)
  2. Fertilisation alternatively takes place “artificially”, i.e., outside the body in an incubator in a laboratory (IVF, ICSI



Your first step towards the child you want


You can call our practice team at Wunschkinder Berlin or check available appointments online.

See available appointments